Archive for August 5, 2006

PMC Certification class – day 2

Well, the problem here is that all the other women in my class are so fun and so cool that we all want to adopt each other! We’ve exchanged email addresses and phone numbers so we can stay in touch. Cece brought some of her books to sign and to sell, but since I already have one and forgot to bring it with me, I guess I’ll have to pass. I could buy another copy, but that would be ridiculous.

Several of my class mates have asked me to do web sites for them on trade. One person, Ann, teaches a great technique called Keum-boo and will teach me in exchange for her web site. Keum-boo is a Korean technique for adding gold foil to silver jewery pieces. She brought some pieces to show that are just magnificent! I can’t wait!

We are trying to convince Cece to come back to teach us enamel for our silver pieces. I hope if she does that I can make it here for the class!!

I have kept thinking for the past two days that I wish these women lived in St. Louis because they are all so fun and we have really enjoyed sharing our passion for PMC with each other. I just can’t move to this area right now because of the day job…that nasty detail of having to make a living…

Today we finished and fired our first six pieces and only have one more to make tomorrow. Most of the work tomorrow will be spent on finishing and polishing techniques. All of the people in the class wish the class wasn’t over tomorrow. They are all such neat people, I hope we all really do decide to keep in touch!

I have faithfully been taking photos of the projects and of the class and will post them when I get home. Cece’s class is so terrific, we have gained a ton of great tips and tricks that we couldn’t have gotten without her! She’s a terrific teacher!

Now it’s on to my duties as an Oma. I need some granddaughter time, for sure!

More tomorrow….

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August 5, 2006 at 8:12 pm Leave a comment

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